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I worked until nearly midnight tonight laying out plans for handling the meeting next week and went to bed feeling tired but quite virtuous.

Erie, Pa.,
Wednesday, May 22, '40.
Met Bill Hamilton, George Wakely and Jay Walker at the Laurence at 8 AM - also Sylvester of the Canadian National here to see Lynch.  I got Bill and George started in the shop with A.L. Nelson and then decamped to work on next week's arrangements, and between that and trying to devote some time to Bill occasionally, I was well nigh swamped all day.  We didn't leave the plant until about 6:30PM and the had to pry Bill away almost forcibly.  But he was greatly pleased with the locomotive and said so a number of times.  It is to go to Buffalo first to be tried out in the passenger switching now done by 600 HP E - M units, then Tonowanda, then Rochester, and then Auburn.  If it works well in Buffalo Bill says it will do any passenger switching on the System (outside of Grand Central where they wouldn't use it anyhow), and will greatly expand the field for it.  I look for an order soon for several more - if this works well.  It is a freaky control and the engine questionable but we hope for the best.  It was pleasant to sit in the Commodore Perry Room for a couple of sociable drinks with "Wee Willie" and the rest of the gang and then a good dinner.  I drove Bill up to see Guy Bellow afterwards - Bill is very loyal to Guy, a tragic figure - nearly blind and I suppose beyond hope now.  However tragic to us, perhaps Guy has perfected a new philosophy by now and gets more out of life than we can understand - I hope he does.  The bunch left