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at the Moore Club, an admirable place for it in a modernly furnished lounge with a bar at one end. Dean said it was the first time he ever gave a serious speech standing in front of a bar and followed by a floor show! His talk was a trifle tedious to me (on light weight car construction). He read it mostly, and was technical almost all the way - no relief stories to  give it a change of pace. But I did learn that the Budd disc brake seems to be one very fine answer to the high speed braking problem if half of what Dean claims is accurate, and it made me question seriously if we aren't barking up the wrong tree with our proposed eddy current brake in conjunction with air. 

"Whitey left at 10:15 PM - offered to drive me home - but I wanted to stay a bit longer. I guess Whitey takes good care of himself. I was home and in bed at 11:15, Tintle taking me. It was raining and I without a coat and perspiring badly - but there seemed to be no ill effects. But I notice a real suseptibility to sore throats of late and I'm beginning to be convinced my tonsils must come out soon.

Erie, Pa.,
Friday [[strikethrough]] Thursday [[/strikethrough]], May 24, '40.
This whole week has been one of high pressure but I think today was the worst of all in that respect. We took from 8:30 AM until about 10 in Whitey's office on the mail and discussion. Totten is going to Alco at once and the problem is up of how to fill his place. It looks like Perk until perhaps Sahlmann shifting into Perk's IGE job. I got a few licks in on