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the Sales Committee job before 11 AM when Whitey and I went to Emmet's office to set prices on the 75 mm howitzer job. HLRE, Walt Harris and Ernie Shank were there. Ernie and I had arrived at what I thought was a sensible line-up yesterday. But "Whitey" in his characteristically agressive way, began to say what he would do. Among other things he wanted a bump in the price curve where we shifted into new machine tool equipment, and he wanted to distribute the excess cost of these tools over the [[underline]] added [[/underline]] quantity that entailed their purchase, and not the whole quantity called for on that particular lot. I couldn't understand what he was driving at on this latter proposal but he seemed so absolutely positive he was right, I thought I must be plain dumb.  I kept thinking it over. Ernie was puzzled but Whitey shut him up. Emmet and Harris seemed to understand him. Finally I told him I thought he was wrong and why. Whitey paused a moment and then says, "You're right! That's right! It [[underline]] should [[/underline]] be the way you had it." Then I showed him the way we had it lined up without a bump, intermediate prices raised to discourage a split in the award. "That's the best proposal made yet." he said, then turning to Emmet, he recommended it be done as we suggested. Emmet was in agreement, said it was a fine line-up. And I phoned McIntyre after lunch, giving him prices exactly as Ernie and I had set them yesterday, and all were happy - and I not the least of all because I felt I had showed Whitey what I could do. And moreover, I