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I better not take a chance of having a puncture with any of the notables next week and had to have them shortly anyhow. Read in tonight's paper Phil Reed's father died yesterday and he cannot be here Tuesday to address the Foreman's Assn. dinner. So I'm to miss meeting him, having been invited to the cocktail party for him at Emmet's house Tuesday prior to the dinner. That is somewhat of a disappointment as I have admired him and should have liked to meet him.

Tonight we went to the Reeds for Tripoly, Walter Scarborough being there as a fifth, and it was a [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] hilarious party - once they got on a laughing jag that threatened to break up the evening. Walt was jovial and most agreeable - Maybelle still in Texas and Walt travelling most of the time on his malleable casting job.

Mother seems to be enjoying her visit and everything has gone remarkably smoothly so far. I am hoping sincerely it can keep up. As I have said before, when things are like this I enjoy having her here.

Erie, Pa.,
Sunday, May 26, '40.

A heavy day of work around the place with the spring campaign about cleaned up. The dog's manners are improving and we are getting on to know to handle him. This afternoon we took a ride to Sterrettania where after much rock placing, we made a passage across the brook and the children had a grand time. St.L. phoned full of news about vast armament work ahead and I guess he's right. War looks bad.