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mount. From then on it was hectic. St. L. was a law onto himself and the party got all out of hand - he shooting off here and there with a handfull while others lingered to watch this and that. I had to stay up in the Ordinance Dept in #6 with Prince while he made a long distance call and that got me out of touch with things - after that I was rushing from one building to another trying to keep the party going.  Suddenly I found Whittier had barged in and annexed part of the crowd, and disappeared with them. Another offshoot wandered off to the Refrigerator Dept. in company with some old man presumably St. L. had summoned. Finally we wound up in various groups and at various times in Whitey's office for the hopping off to Emmet's house for the cocktail party.

We got out there about 5 PM - Hunter Willis' old place that HLR has bought and is fixing up beautifully. It is way up on the hills and looks out on the lake across the lovely countryside. It is a dream of a place - I don't wonder he fell for it. Mrs. Emmet was there and I met her for the first time - a lovely woman but I can well imagine she has plenty of charm, and is a sport to boot. There was plenty of liquor and cocktails available and the boys fell to with a vim and vigor which proved vice-presidents and managers are only too human. Henry Guy was getting pretty tight and was talking to me like a Dutch uncle - a lecture in particular on the desirability of keeping everything filed in one's brain without leaning on "little black books." "Now that I'm sort of training you", said Henry, and