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I took Roy downtown with me this morning to buy circus tickets for this afternoon and we ran full into the entire Memorial Day parade - saw it from the start to finish - the national guard, the naval reserve, Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Boy Scouts, etc. etc. with a dozen odd bands, drum and bugle corps, etc., flags, flags, flags. My heart was in my throat and tears in my eyes a great part of the time and it was easy to see how patriotic enthusiasm and ferver and even hysteria can be worked up. And also it was rather a pathetic spectacle of unpreparedness - it would have been much more exciting and reassuring if a few hundred battle-planes had been droning overhead, and a hundred tanks had been chattering along with them. But all signs point to the most tremendous preparedness drive this country has ever known and a year from now this country will have a military machine in the field and in the factories that will make a terrifying picture to any potential aggressor casting eyes across the seas. We shall rest easier when that time comes.

Bab, Roy and I went to the circus this afternoon and I was a very proud daddy - they are a beautiful pair - take the eye of nearly everyone who sees them. The circus was mediocre but they got a great kick out of it and hence I did too.

This evening I tuned in on Toronto at random to hear a terrific din and the announcer saying excitedly. "Hear those whistles! Every boat in the harbor is blowing! The royal ship is [[?warping]] in to the dock!" We were sure the royal family