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was landing at Montreal! Then came the King's voice! We were positive the British Government had transferred to Canada! Then it all blew up; it was a transcription of the visit of the King and Queen to Vancouver in 1938! apparently put on to whip up enthusiasm in inspiration in this dark hour for the British Empire.

Erie, Pa.,
Friday, May 31, '40.
Cleaned up a lot of odds and ends today and got the decks cleared for next week when Whitey gets back from a vacation since Tuesday - down on the Maryland farm. St.L. and Emmet going to Washington Monday to square away with Capt. Ducey et al. on the expanded 5/38 program, single and double. ACF wants us to quote on spindles for a new tank proposition. Things are moving. We accepted the Missouri Pacific offer for 2 - 44 tonners with Hercules engines - with misgivings and hopeful Doc can switch them from HM829 to GE733 next week when he goes over there. We got the complete Memphis trolley coach order - 44 I believe. Had the Hercules boys here today squaring off on critical speeds and oil leakage. A busy interesting day - the boys in Boston are having a session with the B&M today and am hoping for some good news. Larry Richardson phoned this morning en route to Meadville and I hoped to see him this afternoon on the return trip but he didn't call. More hard luck on the New York Central -  another wheel pressed on at low tonnage and has been rejected. That job is a tough one but I have great hopes for it - we ought to land several more before the year is out. Find Shapter has been squirreling Tarzan Jr's. invitation from me for several days - phoned Roy today to find where it was!