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Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, June 1, 1940.
A day of domestic work insofar as the inclement weather allowed - cleaned the cellar, cut the soggy grass between showers. We all went to see Spencer Tracy in "Edison, the Man" this afternoon - a wonderful performance and a fine movie - a brief shot of my Ford locomotive in it gave me quite a thrill. And Rog later commented that "daddy is [[underlined]] half [[/underlined]] a scientist." Had a wire from Neil Donovan saying after "questionnaire and air brake details ready, B&M want a conference with all interested present", so it sounds good even though I don't quite understand exactly what he means by "questionnaire".

I received the two lovely New Hampshire posters by Maxfield Parish from Ernie Bloss via Donovan and later learned Ernie made a Neil cough up two bucks for them. Roy told me to send Ernie a slide rule in return so I got one today. As Roy said, "Neil loses two bucks, you lose a slide rule and I lose sleep!"

Had Ben and Tony in today or rather tonight and one heavy highball made everyone silly. They brought over a record of "She Lost it at the Astor" and didn't dare play it on account of Mother but almost let the cat of the bag about it anyhow by wise cracking and innuendo. A big evening.

Erie, Pa.,
Sunday, June 2, 1940.
Laid a lot of flagstones today on our "terrace" and labored hard all day around the place, which is really getting to look pretty nice. Had a good chat with Glass next door who seems a very nice chap.

Transcription Notes:
Someone guessed "two Orioles" I can't see it, or anything else. Something for the reviewers: