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Poor Babbie had an off day - did everything wrong and got in dutch with everyone. Her major offense was letting "Dusky" out of his pen in the back yard while a newly painted deck chair foot rest was out there and he promptly crawled under it getting smeared with green paint from nose to paws and tail. I feel sorry for Babbie lately. Dorothy Jean is out west with her folks. She has had a falling out with Elizabeth Cain, who is rather arrogant and insufferable, and I can't blame Bab. Dorothy Davies is so busy with her music, Bab can't play with her often. So she plays with little Harriett Glass next door - about 4 - or Rog - or no one. My heart really aches for her sometimes. She's so lonely - and yet sometimes like today, she can be about as ornery (in a very innocent way) as one could imagine.

Mother had her first upset of any consequence today - because one of the children mentioned the possibility of Willie's taking them to Louisville the last of this month. Mother was all upset because she thought she would be left alone here in the house and she couldn't understand why Willie hadn't mentioned it to her before, etc, etc. It isn't a serious proposition and I didn't know about it myself until this week. But I had a hard time placating her.

The Allies have managed to evacuate most of their trapped army across the channel to England but things look ominous with Mussolini about to come in on Germany's side - if he does the whole of Europe may be afire before long. These are fateful days, but still we can live our own lives in a normal way - laugh and play!