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switching. Not being sure what Whitcomb is doing, we were reluctant to turn them down and agreed to give the matter some intensive study although it appears, to get 6 to 1 we must design a new truck. That was the only point that really worried us. Otherwise we got through with a nice clean bill of health except for some easily adjusted points and the boys were remarkably pleasant, giving the impression we were sitting pretty well. Also, I got the impression the field they use for these 44-tonners is expanding decidedly. Also I felt that Perry Egbert's statement to Whitey that the B&M were "just kidding" us and weren't going to buy anything, was screwey - they seem very much in earnest to me. This is certainly a long, patience  trying job but when we get it, the satisfaction is going to be all the greater.

John and I flew home - his first flight so I got vicarious thrill out of that as well as some genuine ones on my own account. We took the usual 6:30 PM flight non-stop to Buffalo in the usual Douglas DC-3 Flagship. We were greeted in the Flagship by the most ravishingly lovely young stewardess it has ever been my pleasure - yea even rapture - to behold, either in the form of stewardess or anything else. Her name is Miss Christensen, a tall blonde girl with gray eyes, a beautiful figure, a face and general appearance reminding one of Ann Sheridan only about 100% better than the "Oomph Girl" ever dreamed of being. Words fail me really! John remarked she certainly was up to the traditions of the airlines.