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I did it in the afternoon meeting briefly and Jake of his own accord read the "score sheet" for industrial diesels by districts starting with New England - none and New York - one - it sounded to me like he was trying to appear innocent in patting himself on the back. Whitey inquired if I could make the junket to Auburn and Schenectady and I told him I might meet the gang in Schdy Thursday if I could clean up in Washington in two days - which he thought unlikely.

Bought a Palm Beach suit this noon to fortify myself against the capital heat - the first light weight suit I ever owned except a lousy linen one once. I took the 7:05 for Washington and had a long, rather lonely evening on it as usual - no club car, no companions, few passengers. A rather seductive Jewess in the next section made a few optical advances at me but I passed them up, my feelings divided between satisfaction and regret.

Italy declared war on England and France today and Mussolini has been called every kind of a son-of-a-bitch imaginable by everyone from Roosevelt down. The Germans are pressing toward Paris, apparently unstoppable and France must hold a million men on the Italian border, who otherwise could turn the tide of battle in the north. A crisis is fast approaching. Hitler has kept every evil promise and broken every good one and seems to be sweeping on to a complete victory. Will the world ever be the way it was again or is all this dire foreboding purely the work of propaganda - can the Germans perhaps make a better Europe than the British and French have? Perhaps.

Transcription Notes:
Italy declared war on England and France today