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Washington, DC.
Tuesday, June 11, 1940.
Although St. L. had left word he would meet me at the Carlton this morning, when I phoned him from the station he was gone so I went to the office but he wasn't there. So I left word and went to the Carlton to check in. They were swamped and the best I could do was put my bag in St. L.'s room and register and hope for a room later. While I was there St. L. phoned to say he and his gang (Sturges, Bat Trumpfeller, and Baltus) were en route to the Naval Gun Factory and would meet me at the office at noon - St. L. implied it would be well if I didn't go along because of the big crowd already. I was just as well pleased as I wanted to talk to Horn but nevertheless I didn't like this idea of being shoved aside. This is a strange and unorthodox set-up - having factory men doing this sort of work. It's going to stop one of these days. I went back to the office and talked to Horn about the 5/38 job and he knew no more about it than I - Blair was in Schdy. So having a couple hours to while away. I took a walk out to the Lincoln Memorial and back along the Mall. It was overcast and muggy and my head was still stuffed up from my cold, a devil to get rid of.

We had lunch together and then set out again to the Gun Factory where I spent most of the afternoon with Trump and Baltus looking at hand wheel brackets, and the elevating and training gears for the 5/38's. St. L. and I had a little talk with Commander Spanagel at 4 PM and it now develops they are gong to put out for competitive bids about July 1st for