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spread the cold up into my ears with impending unfavorable results.

About 10 AM Bob Banell phoned to say the New York Central locomotive was "indefinitely" held up because they had run into a bad defect in the engine fuel system design that had everybody puzzled as to its solution. Already before this we have found ourselves in trouble with mufflers with too much back pressure and fans taking so much horsepower we can't meet our "horsepower for traction" guarantees. So this news from Bob was the last straw.

There are increasing signs that France is at the end of her rope and about to capitulate to Hitler - which means almost certain Nazi victory over the Allies and probably soon. No one knows what that will mean to us but it bodes no good and the papers are filled with dark forebodings over our role in the "new world order" to come when the Germans have mopped up Europe completely.

But the thing that upset us most of all was a fall Rog had in the back yard. He fell into Dusky's pen, a chicken wire enclosure, and apparently twisted his neck someway - complained of dizziness afterward and we could imagine all sorts of awful things happening suddenly to him as a result. We phoned Gannon and he said there was nothing he could do - just to keep him quiet and "watch for any bad signs" such as vomiting or bleeding! So we, and Willie especially, virtually waited quaking with apprehension lest something serious turn up. But so far nothing has although he is all upset nervously