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Walt Harris called me this morning to say Cain had been in Sch'dy Friday on the U.P. primarily to talk to Muir but had mentioned the tank affair. And Muir had blown up about me and Emmet "going to Washington on these jobs" - it was all getting out of hand. I agree to a certain extent - the factory men should get out and stay out. I want to talk to Whitey tomorrow about the situation - didn't see him at all today on account of Bill being here.

The news of the day from a personal friend point of view is that Maybelle Scarborough is back today and is suing Walter for divorce! It was in the paper tonight - her grounds - "indignities to the person". She stopped  in this evening with her sister and her two children who came back with her. She told Willie it simply had come to such a pass she couldn't stand it any longer and decided to make a break. I can't pass judgment not knowing all the facts but somehow my sympathies go out to Walter. He has been trying hard to atone for past mistakes and she certainly has been none too faithful to him according to all reports. However if they simply aren't compatible, then perhaps it will be best in the long run that they separate. She never should have married him in the first place, I feel. So at last it has happened. I haven't seen Walter. I am wondering what sort of a reaction it will have on him now it is definitely out in the open.