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as we are today but will not be for long, we all pray. The U.S. has served notice on Germany and Italy that we will not tolerate the transfer of any Western Hemisphere territory from England or France to them. Hitler says he has ^[[not]] and never has had any ambitions in this hemisphere - "America for Americans, and Europe for Europeans" he says, but who can believe him.

Captain Ducey phoned Emmet today, again short circuiting everyone in the most amazingly silly affair any of us have ever seen, transgressing all the well established G.E. routine of doing business. Ducey flops so fast from one thing to another no one knows what is going to happen on the 5/38 program.

We played bridge at the Luthers this evening and Ben worked his wireless record player which he changes as fast as Ducey changes his plans - much to Tony's disgust. A nice evening wherein the cares of the world were temporarily forgotten.

Willie spent the afternoon with Barbara Reed and got the lowdown on the Scarborough affair and it sounds like a dime novel. Maybelle is spending money like a drunken sailor and there are reams of unpaid bills at her house. She gave the Reeds as her address for some reason in applying for divorce and creditors are coming there already. She came home from Texas via New York by boat, bringing her sister and the two children and Buick with her - fell in with a fast crowd on the boat and dissipated unbelievably with almost no sleep all the way up. She hired a suite at the St. Moritz in New York, bought a [[underlined]] trunkfull [[/underlined]] of expensive clothes, went to Arthur Murray's for a full course of dance lessons, hit all the hot spots, and according to Walter,