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cute for words. St.L. was very cordial, put his hand on my shoulder - so there appear to be no hard feelings over the shift in gov't work handling this week.

We had Charlie and Barbara Reed and Walt Scarborough in for dinner and Tripoly and had a lively evening. Walt has lost 20 pounds over the divorce affair but looks well - just had his clothes taken in - has rented a small apartment on 8th back of Reeds. But he told us all last evening he is "still crazy about Maybelle" and hopes we will all be nice to her - also that there will be no embarrassment or scene if we wish to include Maybelle in these parties also in the future. She asked Walt to come up there and repair a screen door yesterday and he went - I think that is the height of silliness on both their parts. Apparently Walt hopes to win her back but I fear he wont - in fact, it is hard to understand why he wants to now he knows the whole story.

We are now flirting with the idea of taking a lake trip again although I have written Basin Harbor to get some literature and rates. It is possible the Reeds would make the lake trip with us and that would be a circus. However, one can't count on them.

En route to Boston,
Sunday, June 23, 1940.

My 38th birthday and I haven't thought about it but two or three times all day. A dark, rainy day spent indoors largely catching up on accounts, letters, and odd jobs. Off to Boston and Swampscott tonight for the AIEE Summer Convention to which I am the Erie Section delegate.