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Boston, Mass.,
Monday, June 24, 1940.
Spent the morning sitting in the office doing nothing particular; Roy was in Manager's Meeting and Connie busy.  We had luncheon together and then Neil drove me to Swampscott where I registered in at the Convention and sat dutifully in the business session for a while listening to various harangues on the publishing routine of technical papers.  Then Neil drove be back to Boston since Roy said he wanted to go down and see J.W. Smith when we got back.  But he decided to phone him instead and J.W. said they were still awaiting information from Whitcomb - maybe he could give us a story the last of the week - the same old stall game that I have at least come to be resigned to.  Maybe Perry Egbert was right and they aren't going to buy but I doubt it and Tom Knight laughed at the idea.  The B & M refinancing plan has finally gone thru which will help clear the air some.

Somehow things didn't seem as of old at the office today - Roy especially wasn't himself and I believe I know of several reasons why:

1.) We lost the Boston Elevated PCC car [[strikethrough]]trolley coach[[/strikethrough]] order to [[circled W]] and no one seems to know just why.
2.) Roy has not yet been appointed Manager - I don't know why.
3.) The war situation makes Roy's immediate future problematical - the National Guard may be called.
4.) The B&M dragging on and on is embarrassing.
5.) After working hard to have a fine set of contacts at the Watertown Arsenal, we are now refusing to bid on Arsenal invitations.  I know Roy feels very badly about this.
6.) It may be my imagination, but somehow Roy