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Erie, Penn.
Wednesday, July 3, 1940.
We shipped the New York Central today and I think everyone from Hamilton down thinks it's a fine job.  Rudy Krape threw cold water on the semi-constant speed engine operation but admitted it was a nice performing job.  Now for two or three months of successful operation at Auburn and we should be able to land 5 more.  They may try it in Syracuse passenger switching which will help alleviate the disappointment of cancelling the Buffalo trials on account of lack of wheelbase to function right with the signal system gaps.

Horn called me from Washington to say Ducey and Spanagel want a conference on 5"/38 program next Wednesday - 6 single mounts a month which sounds like they have come down to earth - and I lined up with Clark and St. L. for the three of us to go down.  Maybe at last I can get my meat hooks into this job and keep them there although I find a tendency for St. L. to stray occasionally - he just can't seem to help it.  I hope this 5"/38 program pans out OK because we are turning down invitations to bid on other armament stuff right and left on the supposition we are going to be loaded with 5"/38's.

Had a letter from Basin Harbor today and it looks like we shall go there - that is a relief to have that settled and I believe we shall have a splendid time.  I hope Commodore Taft doesn't think we're trying to follow them up but I have a hunch he wrote me so we might consider going to Basin Harbor.