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he made a confession that amazed me - I wasnt surprised at what he said but only that he should say it."Barbara and I have had no troubles," he said, "except financial ones. We were both brought up to enjoy a standard of living better than the one I can afford now." He indicated they had had some rather heated disagreements arising out of this circumstance. From the fact Charlie is not in the Company Organization Directory, I guess his job now is a very ordinary one but I've never gotten close enough to anyone in the Refrigeration Dept. to inquire the facts. It is a very hard thing for me to understand - why Charlie, a supposedly brilliant M.I.T. man and one so well intrenched at first, should take such a toboggan. I have always heard that H.L. Andrews had something to do with it. I should think that in his heart Charlie would be very bitter about the whole thing. Some day I want to get the facts; I have always felt that talent was going to waste there.

After we got home we took Bab and Rog down to the new pumping station to watch the fireworks down near the Public Dock. We lay on a blanket on the grass under the stars and saw it all. Dusky was with us and he roamed around on the end of his leash smelling new hunting grounds. I was nearly asleep, the cool air and the wind in the trees very soothing. So passes another July Fourth. Rog had a cap pistol - nothing more. Fireworks are taboo here now and as a result there are no more bad casualties from burns. It is a good thing but they miss a lot of the fun we used to have. I can remember yet storing up a supply of firecrackers, rockets, torpedoes, snakes, sparklers, pinwheels, etc. for weeks ahead - it was a thrill.