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En route to Sch'dy.
Tuesday, July 9, 1940.

Dr. Delaney agreed today to my going to Schdy. and Washington and we set next Tuesday as the tentative date for my tonsil job. I felt pretty well except the glands in my throat are swollen and dont seem to improve at all. So this evening, St.L. and I hopped off for Sch'dy, getting our sleeper in Buffalo where we also took on a 'nightcap' of Molson's ale at St.L's suggestion.

En route Schdy. to Washington
Wednesday, July 10, 1940.

This was a hectic day for me. We put our story on the 5"/38's up to the Defense Coordinating Committee (DCC). Chester Lang, the Chairman was absent at the same affair as Whitey in New York, so we talked to Cunningham, Farrar and Winne. All went fairly well until they got Tommy Foy into it and he cut the costs clean up the back and left St.L. somewhat groggy. Farrar cast a lot of doubt on the meaning of the new law allowing negociated contracts. So it was decided no contract could be negociated tomorrow with the Navy. Muir stepped into the picture and announced that with the DCC's approval, Walter Harris, Gouldthorpe and Speicher were going to Washington and [[underlined]] settle [[/underlined]] whether or not we would go ahead with the 50 ton tank program we turned down before and the DCC approved to my amazement. Then came the blow! Winne, the other committee members concurring, said only Clark and St.L. should go to Washington - I was unnecessary - I asked him just what the Transportation Dept's function is in this business and Winne said he could see almost none other than to know what went on as to how it affected our normal mfg. facilities