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to Whitey, the DCC has nothing to say about how the business is to be handled within the Company and they were out-of-bounds in their remarks the other day, and I guess he's right. Again I regretted bitterly the things I had said to them in Sch'dy last Tuesday. I just hope it will never come up later on to embarass me.

Maybelle blew in on the Reeds after renting her house - simply appeared and said she wanted to stay with them. No one knows what she intends doing; I guess she doesn't herself.

Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, July 13, 1940.

Saw Dr. Delaney this morning and he opined my tonsils were "as good as they ever will be" and we made a date for next Tuesday at Hamot Hospital at 8 AM - I to be there at 7 AM. So the die is cast and I'll be mighty relieved to get rid of the tonsils although I don't look forward to the job. Delaney says I'll be laid up a week - didn't realize it would be that long.

We had Whitey to dinner tonight, his family being away, and this evening had a rip-roaring poker game that wound up with Peck a winner by $8. I won 91ยข and everybody else lost. Lynch introduced "Red Dog" and it went big - was my salvation. Old Jake got "took" for 3 or 4 bucks again.

Every time I'd look at Whitey, I'd think of the DCC affair - then I'd accuse myself of being a "worrier" just as Whitey did, and would say, "cut it out and lick this 'worrier' business!"

Was glad to have Whitey see the family again - they had changed a lot since he saw them last.