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Erie, Pa,
Monday, July 15, 1940.

I got my desk pretty well cleaned up today in anticipation of being out the rest of the week. I wanted to leave my affairs in good order just in case something went haywire and I was out a long time. Whitey advised late in the day that they (presumably he, St.L., Harris & Emmet) had decided to tell the Govt. we would take on the tank program - build a pilot in 8 months, and 1 per week after three months after acceptance of the pilot. Also that we would find another builder to make 3 per week and we would guarantee 4 transmissions per week. Now that's a program and it tickled me. It is more like what I wanted a month ago and got argued down by Whitey.

Went to the hospital today to have blood coagulation tests and urinalysis and everything is cleared for tomorrow morning.  I went to bed early - but all in all I didn't worry about tomorrow - I have been quite calm about it. People would say, "Are you scared?" - I had almost no feeling of scaryness or panic. After all it's a minor operation even if an unpleasant one and I'll be tickled to get it over with and know my tonsils can never plague me again.

One thing I did today was write a card to Mom dated tomorrow, telling her (for the first time) about my operation and all was okay - this I gave to Willie to mail tomorrow afternoon assuming all is okay. I couldn't be too sure I'd feel like writing tomorrow and I wanted Mom to get the news in my handwriting so as not to shock her too much.