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Erie, Pa,
Tuesday, July 16, 1940.

Arose at 5.30 AM, took a bath, shaved and generally primped up, packed my bag and sans either breakfast or even a drink of water, started for the hospital, Willie accompanying me. We got there about 7 AM and after registering, I went to my room where a very sweet looking little nurse handed me a nightshirt the worse for wear, and told me to go to bed at once. I was somewhat shocked to find this nightshirt was open up the back with a couple of strings up near my neck to hold it together, was awfully short - in fact, I felt almost naked in it. Willie came in after I had got into bed and shortly after that an older graduate nurse entered and gave me a shot of morphine and atropin, inquired if I had any false teeth or rings on, and then proceeded to put "socks" on me, the "socks" being a couple of bags that came up to my knees, and were pinned around the top; they made me feel a little better clothed, as I have always been sensitive about going around barefooted for some reason, perhaps because my feet as so small and girlish looking. Those were the preliminaries.

I lay there and felt more and more lackadaisical and floaty as the hypo took hold, but talked to Willie and really felt as though I didn't much give a damn about the whole affair. About 8 AM on schedule, two nurses arrived with a wagon, and by some legerdemain with the blankets, transferred me to it without exposing me. I was quite taken throughout my stay, with this technique of handling bedclothes so as to accomplish everything necessary without offending the modesties.