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Erie, Pa,
Saturday, July  20, 1940.

Last night I woke up coughing and it took a half hour of aspergum chewing to get to get to sleep again. I saw Delaney this morning and he said all was well, to come in Monday morning and he "might" let me go to the office for awhile. He said I had no adenoids - people at my age rarely do have. He told me also to go easy on my eating still - and at this stage some people relish a big steak and it scrapes the scabs off their throats too soon resulting in "oozing" as he described it.

We made our trip to Jackson Center today to see a farmer who is the brother of a man the Colonel knows in L'ville. It was a lovely day and hot - a really beautiful midsummer's day and the countryside was perfectly gorgeous. The children played the "animal game" and at the Colonel's suggestion, introduced a new rule - that whenever a graveyard is passed, the one on whose side it was, loses half his present score. Rog was the first and only victim but he took it very sportingly. We had lunch at Meadville and I had a bottle of beer but drank only about half of it - nevertheless it didn't go so badly at all. On the way home however, I got the first intimation that Delaney's "fifth day" warning was no idle one. We got ice cream cones in Meadville and I had an orange ice cone, thinking it would feel good to my  throat. Well, the Colonel made a quick stop to miss a truck at an intersection and threw his arm at me, hitting the cone and splashing orange ice over everything and later he nearly ran into another car at an intersection - and