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between those two incidents , I got laughing and my throat just got raw- it was [[underlined]] bad. [[/underlined]] Aspergum brought relief but I know I'd had a taste of something just a bit different and I didn't like it.
Went to sleep at 11.30 PM and at 12:30 AM I awoke feeling like a sword was stuck clean through my neck- it hurt all the time whether I swallowed or not, and swallowing was [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] bad. I got up, chewed aspergum and paced the floor for a half hour. Fortunately there was some diversion - The Augerts on the corner were out on their garage roof trying to hoist a mattress up from the ground, yelling for "Glass" to help, yelling for liquor and generally raising hell - I guess they were pretty well lushed up. I watched that proceeding which helped to divert me some and at 1 AM I went to sleep again, only to wake up at 3:30 AM with a terrific throat again and go through the whole business once more except the Augerts were now asleep on the garage roof. And I knew Delaney knew whereof he spoke when he said I'd get worse on the fourth or fifth day. I got to sleep again about 4 AM.

Erie, Pa.,
Sunday, July 21, 1940.

Sept from 4 AM until nearly 7 AM when I had to take time out for more asperin and then slept until about 8.30. The Augerts were calmly sleeping on the garage roof up to 9 AM or better! I understand he is a clerk in Meyers and his wife has the money that keeps them going in style - maid, nurse, Buick, etc. They act nerty!