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There was a near riot in our family after lunch because the children wanted to go swimming and thought they had received permission, and the rest of us wanted to drive to Tronesta and show Gappa the Allegheny River valley from Irvine south, a lovely trip. Willie finally pacified Roy in particular and we took the drive. The wheat is ripe and golden, the trees lush and green, everything rich and warm and full- every vista of summer landscape would be worth stopping and gazing at long enough to absorb its beauty fully. And the children were very good so the trip proved delightful and the Colonel a very appreciative spectator of Pennsylvania beauty. Aspergum kept my throat quite tollerable all day and I think perhaps last night's flare-ups was a peak. Now for the office tomorrow to start a new career down there one I can be proud of - one better than anything I have done before.

Erie, Pa.,
Monday, July 22, 1940.
Dr. Delaney said I was progressing well but I'd better take it easy for a day or so yet, but he agreed I could go to the office "to read my mail" so I went. Had a little talk with Whitey, who was very affable in spite of the fact he had evidently talked to Winnie about that DCC session that had me so upset. I guess Whitey was glad to let the matter drop and I knew I was- somehow Whitey had an idea he was to blame somehow. I tried to disabuse him of that idea. It was surprising how well I got along at the office, even dictating several letters and my throat felt almost normal