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3.) Harris, St.L. Erie Shank, Whitey and I had a session on the 5"/38 later to discuss preparation of bids, quantities to bid on, etc. A summary I had prepared at home Monday night formed the basis for the discussion - it showed up conditions very clearly. I led the argument against a scheme Whitey had for bidding on certain [[strikethrough]] ly [[/strikethrough]] lots and before it finished Whitey backed off. I participated amply in the whole discussion. There was no diffidence or reticence holding me back.

4.)  Harris' gang want to go to Aberdeen Proving Ground Friday to get tank educated. I can't go on account of the 5"/38 job so Whitey suggested "Cash" go from our Dept. I asked Walter whom he wanted to go and he wound up with Pritchard, Aydelott, Gouldy and Tutle and was critical of any of our men going at all. So I got Horn on the phone and told him 5 men wanted to come and he said "Oh my god!" but finally agreed. In the meantime Gouldy (a prince) called and said he thought I ought to go and he felt the job needed some "commercial coordination." Later I call Walt Harris and ask him if he can't cut off one of his three Motor Div men on account of Horn's reaction - "NO" says Walt - he can see no earthly reason why Cash Davis should go - we were "playing politics" or something trying to horn in on this job at this stage, we were trying to make it hard for his men to do a job, etc. etc. Well, I gave Walt back just as much as he put out