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and told him it was OUR job to sell this to the Army and to do so we had to know something about it. He remarked be thought his men would do that because they would know so much ^[[more]] about it than we would (what an asinine statement for him to make to the Dept. that is trying to keep him going by selling equipment!) My reply was that that might be true if we failed to get into it as he would apparently have us do. He finally calmed down but I think he has some sort of an inferiority complex. Sometimes he says the most childish things. Yesterday he talked to Crawford and Cummings in a way I thought awfully untactful about their sincerety in coming to us on electric drive for the tank. Well, the point is, I stood up and swapped blow for blow with Walt and came out OK.

5.) Clark and Paul Smith still write to St.L. on the 5"/38 proposition and Whitey gave me a dressing down today about that - said to call Clark tomorrow and tell him "for Christ's sake" get into the groove. - either I would call him or Whitey would, that was the only sour note all day.

6.) Whitey tells me I get the 4.2% bonus - also that there is no dividing line for the big bonus (which we don't get this year) - he can give it to whom he pleases. So I get about $84 around Aug. 1st. that I can use to advantage, particularly after the tonsil operation & insurance coming due and vacation expense.