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we are responsible for sub-contractors' added plant requirements and must include them in our bid, a further complication. Clark is disgusted with the job - would like to withdraw I think but we have to go on now. St.L. in Schdy. today on a conference relative to putting some turbines back in Erie. He has been in contact with Clark - I hope they don't get out of hand again. G.E. business is tremendous nowadays - last week nearly $15,000,000 - and it is running almost that well, and largely traceable to the defense program.

Went up to see Mother this evening - Willie was too tired to go so I went alone. I knew she wanted desperately to see me before we left for vacation. I rather dreaded it because I was afraid she would talk nothing but trouble, however we took a nice drive around the lake and it was very pleasant and I enjoyed it and I know she did. She didn't talk so much about trouble and worry - emphasized how nice Willie has been to her, how much she thinks of Willie. I was very glad I went as I know it was appreciated and did some good.

Erie, Pa.,
Thursday, Aug. 1, 1940.

Am beginning to think we shall work Saturday getting the 5"/38 job in shape and I'll leave here Sunday to drive to Schdy. instead of Saturday as we had planned. St.L. still away - back tomorrow.

There was a big blurb in the Erie Times today about the G.E. being awarded a "$1,000,000 order for gun mounts" - actually Admiral Furlong told a Congressional Committee the Navy wanted to advance