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to be good! However, I shant let it spoil my vacation- hope they have it licked by the time I get back.
  Whitey was in and out today - in to read his mail and left early to start a week's vacation. He asked me if the B & M was okay. I told him about the price being $32,900 and he said we had to cancel a bill for $2000 on some controversial complaint which made our cut about $700 per loco.. Roy mentioned that to me but said he felt it had nothing to do actually with this job. Whitey laughed at that idea. Anyhow it wont show on the records of this job anyhow. Whitey never mentioned Shapter's complaint about my writing Reusch - I hope he threw it into the wastebasket.

Henry Guy had a piece of gossip - Parker Capps and Kay Williams are divorced and he is about ready to marry again. He is doing well in business with his father and probably won't come back here. Willie says she is in Hollywood. I would wager she doesn't make good out there. 

Prize remark by Roger today - "If you were a brick, would you know it?"

Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, Aug 3, 1940.

Shapter certainly is a peculiar guy; I met him in John La Johns barber shop this morning and he was as pleasant as could be - asked me how I thought he could repair a certain faucet handle he had with him. Later John La John told me Shap had offered to let a man in ahead of him who was in a hurry. That must be the Shap of customers because I can easily understand how he might be quite likeable if he  "turned on the charm" - but around the office! Wow! What a pain!