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            Schenectady N Y
         Sunday, Aug. 4, 1940.
  Poor old Ernie Shank showed up at the house last night about 9:30 - had just finished the job and had had no dinner but he had a few snifters per his breath- I dont blame him. If we hadn't been in an upheaval of packing, I'd of asked him and Nora in or a few more. They were due at Tirtle's at 7 PM for some shindig- I don't know whether they went on over here or not.
  We set sail at 7:40 AM today, lunch at the Pan-Tree Coffee Shop in Canandaigna as usual and into the Van Curler about 6.30 PM after an uneventful trip in fine weather. The best I could do here was $10/00 for the four of us but as we'll use the room until tomorrow afternoon or evening. I don't feel quite so badly about it. But travelling with a family of 4 certainly comes high. However, my finances are improving measurably so it doesn't dismay me too much. Shall be glad to conclude my business tomorrow and be off for Basin Harbor. Just hope there will be no slips.
  The children were very good on the trip but we all arrived dog tired and are now relaxing in our "suite" and enjoying it. For dinner this noon I had my first steak since the tonsils came out and it left my throat a bit raw- however I have given up Aspergum and am rapidly approaching normal again. This vacation should put me in 100% shape again and I 'll go back ready to flail into the job as never before. I'm getting a good grip on things and I know I can make it so strong nothing can stop me.