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Schenectady, NY
Monday, Aug.5, 1940.
Got to the office before Cliff Clark or Paul Smith his morning. We worked on the 5"/38 bid from about 9 AM until 1 AM with time out only for luncheon and dinner. The three of us discussed the job, every phase of it, up and down and crossways and wound up at 12.45 AM with a document of interpretations and exceptions that I think was pretty good. In the meantime an addenda came in asking for a detailed statement of additional facilities required, making it appear that phase of the job might be possible of solution on this bid. I felt that I distinctly added considerably to the discussion and composition of our document and had gone a long way toward consolidating a position of responsibility on the job as Whitey wants me to do. It was quite a satisfactory day. Of course all hope of getting away before tomorrow sometime, disappeared as we are to show our story to the Defense Committee tomorrow and I want to stick it out.
I found myself liking Cliff and Paul better and better- feeling more intimate with them. Cliff told a couple of good stories:
1.) A group from some other Company were in a hotel in Washington working up a bid on a big job at the last minute and when they had just enough time to get over to the place where the bids were due they were still short of writing up a formal bid. So they gathered up every paper on the table, scratch paper and all, put in into a pile jumped into a taxi and rushed for the opening place.