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1.)  We located old Dan Berge, the blacksmith, a tall, gaunt, toothless native, from whom we received six horseshoes. Dan dropped a forging job he was in the midst of to serve us, carefully selected six shoes, knocked the caulks out of them, heated up two in the forge so he could knock off some protuberances for us, knocked out some old nails, ground them and the while was telling us a story about how a city slicker used to pay him 50¢ a session to pitch "quoits" with him and how he ruined his game "holding back" on the city slicker.  It sounded like a build-up for a fancy price.  We finally asked him what the charge would be and Dan inquired a little doubtfully, "Do you think a quarter would be all right?"  We gave him 50¢ and departed feeling we had found an honest man.

2.) Taft wanted to get a dress cleaned and inquired of the barber where he could take it.  "Well," said the barber, "it sounds funny but go in that hardware store down on the corner and he'll take it and send it to Burlington.  The regular fellow just went out of business and is out of town and the hardware store is handling it for him till he gets back."  And sure enough, we left the dress at the hardware store where we were assured it would be taken care of properly.

3.) I picked up a new can of 30 nightcrawlers for 25¢ for Rog and Bab to continue their fishing.  The original consignment of nightcrawlers had rotted and smelled so awful we had to hurl them, can and all, far out into the lake.