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consternation of the "Battleaxe", which we have christened the red-haired middle aged head waitress.  she sidetracked the perch near the entrance and sent it to the kitchen.  Later Rog had it cleaned by Marvin, the boat boy, and had it for dinner, and he was just bursting with pride.  Patty, our pretty little waitress said she thought Rog might want more as the perch was rather diminutive after being cleaned and cooked but Rog declared it was plenty and ate it with gusto.  Meanwhile Patty got to giggling so over it I think she was actually embarassed.
This afternoon Mr. Pertsch arrived back from New York by plane to Burlington and in time for a few highballs at Tafts before dinner  And I liked him right from the start - a rough and ready, self-made, genuine guy!  More about him later.
Basin Harbor, Vt.
Tuesday, Aug. 13, 1940.
This morning Taft, Pertsch and I went and shot 18 holes of golf and I got a 53 and a 52 and if I hadn't three putted several holes I could have broken a hundred.  So I felt quite good about my game.  I really seem to be taking hold of it.  We went in Pertsch's cottage afterward for a couple of congenial scotch highballs.  I learned Pertsch is 45 - I thought him older - and started in business as an officeboy at 14.  Worked his way up to a junior partnership in a Stock Exchange house and in the early 30's went into business for himself on the Cotton Exchange.  Today he seems successful and fairly well off.  What I like him for most is his complete genuineness - there is no affectation, nothing put on.