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There was a hayride tonight but it was patronized entirely by the younger crowd from which I must realize at last somewhat bitterly, we have graduated. That doesn't mean that I couldn't have enjoyed it though - a nearly full moon, a happy crowd of kids in their late teens and early 20's - what could be much more fun! Instead we sat on the porch and talked, Mrs. Taft's brother-in-law, Mr. Osborn, here with his wife and daughter over night, providing most of the conversation - fortunately he was a very interesting talker - factory manager of a chain company in Bridgeport - "Oliver" they call him and the daughter is "Olive".  Mrs. O., Mrs. Taft's sister was attractive but not as much so as Mrs. T. who hits me just right, and always has.

Basin Harbor, Vt.
Wednesday, August 14,1940.
I drove over to Vergennes alone this morning and had the car washed - the dusty roads and the rain yesterday ruined its looks and at a place like this I like it to look well. While waiting I had a couple of ales and wandered around town admiring the lovely old gardens and the MCDonnagh Memorial by John Russell Pope.  Also I stopped at the post office to inquire as to the location of Dana Bennett's place around here and they told me at once - thought I should look him up if I get a good opportunity. The Tafts had gone up to see Peggy and Pertsch didn't care to play golf so I was sort of up against it for activity this afternoon - I can't seem to resign myself to taking it easy like most can at least occasionally. I want to be doing something active all the time or I'm not happy