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The B&M job has been lying around absolutely dormant since I left - the excuse is that the requisition didn't agree with instructions I left. So I had to phone Donovan and found my instructions were correct. Rudy Krape says Jay Walker told him the New Haven 44 ton is going to be settled with the big freight job (probably they'll ask to have it thrown in free!) so that's delayed. Electro-Motive have their first 44 tonner, a two axle job with two bus engines back to back with one generator between and two 716 motors, out on the Burlington; those who have seen it say it's a mess and they want $30,000 for it! We have an invitation for 750 more 75 mm howitzers which would make a 3 year $3,000,000 program on that item. The destroyer turbines are coming to Erie. The plant will need some 5000 more men with all this stuff or around 10,000 total! The factory organization has a mighty job ahead of it; I hope they can handle it all. Somehow on this first day back from vacation, I felt rather out in the cold on all this and shall be happy to get back into the thick of it again.

So from thinking about orders for millions of dollars and demanding thousands of men, I went home and devoted my energies to cutting the front lawn, an all evening job it was so lush.  No clues on the shack wreckers, damn them! My heart ached to see poor Rogie out there trying to salvage a few of his flowers from under the debris. I got an ugly cut helping him pull off boards. In all my experience, I think that is the scurviest trick I ever saw pulled and to pull it on an eight year old!