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Erie, Pa.,
Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1940.

Attended to a flock of miscellaneous jobs today. St.L. was delayed in Washington and now is due back tomorrow which agitated me somewhat not to be there too with him and Cliff and Blair in the thick of the fray. The Motor Division is up on its high horse and doesn't want to build a tank drive unless we can build a dummy tank here first to see if it will steer - they think it won't and Capt. Cummings thinks it will but they don't want to risk their good name on a possible flop. We told them it is up to the Army to decide this question - we are going to submit performance curves and let the Ordnance people make the decision. They left submissive but surly. All in all it was not a very satisfactory day. I did a lot of thinking about what I want:

1.) Get all these various jobs in the bag by the first of the year.

2.) Then concentrate on learning my new job thoroughly.

3.) Financially build up my bank account in the next 6 months and crown it with a good bonus in February.

4.) Built up well physically from my tonsil removal and vacation, build up myself mentally - poise, self confidence, the smashing of diffidence and reticence, acquisition of the habit of thinking constructively and acting with initiative, acquiring enough "toughness" as Whitey says, to keep ahead of any parade in the Company.