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The disadvantages of the move are:

1.) Breaking into this job will be most unpleasant largely because Shap will almost certainly do everything he can to make it tough if his past performances are any criterion - all this in spite of anything Whitey can do or threaten.

2.) A flop at this difficult job would give me a black-eye and militate against further advancement. This however is true of any advancement and I must be glad to accept the challenge and the risk.

Looking broadly at this situation I can see it has far more advantages than otherwise and I welcome it in spite of minor misgivings. I must bring all the ingenuity I have to bear on how to handle this - think it all out logically and well ahead - and also devote nearly all my time to this planning for the next several months until I get it in hand and running smoothly. I know if I give it all I have I can make a go of it. Also I must make my personal life as free from distractions as possible in order to do this job at my best.

We had an interesting letter today telling of the experiences with our searchlight power plants in France. The outstanding comment from a sensational standpoint was that the British had to abandon nine to the Germans in the evacuation from Dunkerque but before leaving them, they removed the spark plugs, put dynamite in each cylinder and replaced the plugs!