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children. The Quinn boy told Rog he knew who did it. As nearly as we can tell it was done by an orphan named Tommy Dorsey and the two Burns kids. I think I'll visit the police again and give them these references for questioning.

Willie and I were scheduled to go to Chautauqua today to hear Grace Moore wind up the season but as she couldn't get anyone satisfactory to stay with the children, I went alone, having dinner with Mother and arriving at the amphitheater at 6:15, two hours prior to the start of the recital; even then there were no good seats left but we got in the last row, directly in front of the platform and because of the remarkable acoustics of the place, could hear perfectly. Grace was good except her very high notes and they were forced and started off key - I think she had something wrong with her throat. She is too plump - guess she doesn't care now she isn't in the movies. It was like a night in October and I had to wear my topcoat (over a palm beach suit) to be comfortable! Mother seemed very well and we had a very nice visit. We are bringing her home tomorrow and I know she will be glad to come. Driving home tonight I was early and was tempted to go in the City Club for a couple of bottles of beer but passed it up and went directly home, arriving at 11:10 PM. From now on, I've got to watch my personal actions more closely - I want my reputation to be spotless. Turned down a chance to go to Edinboro for golf today with McDonald and Edwards - too much to do at home after vacation, the shack job especially and banking.