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a month now and out of service about five weeks!  And I think Bill is getting good and disgusted and I'm afraid it will hurt our chances on further units that looked very promising.

"Whitey" back and no mention of Shapter move.  "Whitey" sent me to substitute for him in a meeting to interview testmen candidates for the Sales Training Course which was quite interesting.  There was one fellow in particular, E.M. Keller, who seemed to have an awful lot on the ball and will bear watching.  He wants to be a turbine specialist but I think he might make a whiz in our locomotive department.  He is short, earnest, serious, smart as a whip, poised, to the point.  It was hard to imagine him quite hale-fellow-well-met enough for sales but I think that could be developed.  He worked in a grocery store for three years before going to Lehigh and I guess had pretty tough sledding.  He's older than the rest - 27 and married one week, and I predict he will go places.  Generally speaking, it was surprising to see how green these kids were, how unpoised, how uncertain of themselves, how vague as to why they wanted to take up sales.  It drove home the thought that none of us think enough about ourselves, where we are going, why, and how best to get there.  I don't; I know it.  And yet when I do put my mind to work, almost always I produce something worthwhile.  I should spend more time training myself to think.  Started reading Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" again and I still feel it has some good thoughts in it if you carefully sift them out from the bushwah.

Told Whitey the sad story on B&M shpment and after investigating, he informed me there was still