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as soon as this job is straightened out, they are ready to place an order for four more.

I spent all the afternoon on the tank drive presentation which we must get out Thursday without fail.  We got an order today for 500 odd searchlight equipments which means our searchlight power plant program is going to shape up nicely.  No word today on either 75mm or 5"/38 - usually there's a flare-up on one or the other.

I drove Perk to Northeast where we had an old time hamburger sandwich luncheon at Tefft's diner as in the days of '31 and '32 and '33 when the depression was on and we wondered how long we might last.  Perk was all full of house talk.  He reports McNairy is going to Bridgeport as Asst. Works Manager - some of Andy's doing.  I can't see putting an ace designer like Mac on such a job - it seems to me he's more valuable here.  It just looks as though Andy doesn't give a damn about us here - he knows Mac is going to be missed badly.  Perk said Henshaw also had been offered a Bridgeport job - result unknown.

This being Book Club night, Perk staged a poker game - Frank Compson, Earl Kearns, Steve Vouch, Jake Brauns and I were the honored guests.  I started off badly and was down $1.50 before I won a pot.  I was afraid of one of those disastrous evenings when I simply can't win.  Things picked up a little and I was about even with the board finally when Perk and Jake insisted we play some Red Dog, and from then on it was mostly Red Dog.  Result was I was all time high winner for our games - $9.20!  I bet the pot once and crashed through for about $7.00 that time alone.  But Red Dog is too rich for our blood - we should leave it alone.