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Cummings on Monday as promised but we were burning up to have been so near and yet so far from getting the job out today as we had agreed. It was a heartbreaker!

Got news today we have been awarded 587 - 75 mm howitzers on our recent bid so that "chinkfiller" program is now well filled out. Now to consummate the 5"/38 deal and the tank drive and my gov't. work will be about over, - except possibly for following the details of the tank requisition - if we get one. It is still far from a foregone conclusion but I think we have a good presentation prepared.

Lynn Covey was here today and started talking to me about providing sufficient air dump requirements on Republic Steel locomotives. I asked him if he was taking it up with "Shap" and he said no, Whitey had told him to talk to me. I thought that was a funny one - don't understand it yet. Whitey has never mentioned Shap to me again so I'm becoming convinced he has given up his plans for a change. In connection with the Covey-Republic incident, it may be Whitey has decided to have me handle Republic because of the Warren locomotive affair. Among other deficiencies, it was less than 65 tons although sold as a 65 ton engine; that didn't sit at all well either.

The situation in Europe looks better for the British. They seem to have the Nazi air attacks better in hand and are dishing out plenty of bombing over Germany in return. Everyone waits breathlessly for the attempted invasion. It looks as though if the Germans don't win this autumn, and soon too, the British have an excellent chance of winning with the help they are and will be getting from us. We are in it except in name.