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Erie. Pa.,
Friday, Sept. 13, 1940.
Friday the Thirteenth and it was one hectic day at the office as evidenced by the following partial list of things done:

1.) Conferred with Bob Nomine first thing about getting the tank prints in time to get proposal off on the 10:10 AM plane-had to have prints by 9:25 AM At 9:30 they arrived and I started feverishly to assemble the Specs. While I was doing it Ken Wolf walked in and Boucherin 'phoned to say the truck driver was waiting for my letter. The clips kept falling out of the covers; I was cursing a blue streak and didn't care who heard me. Ken helped me when he saw my plight and I got the letter off to Horn in the nick of time, having already phoned him about it.

2.) Whitey asked me to come to a big Management Committee luncheon in lieu of Rudy who is away (Doc is away too) so I had to confer with A.J. Woodward and talked to Rudy in N.Y. to get his suggestions on points to discuss. At 12 noon I saw I was so snowed under I got Whitey to excuse me.

3.) On and off all day was trying to pacify Ken, who found their job at a standstill and said their patience was exhausted and he had to tell Bill Hamilton the situation. So I got Bill on the phone for him and let him tell his story -Bill will be out tomorrow and will "blow the roof off the place." Dan Worth failed to appear today and is due tomorrow. Jay Waller phoned later and said Bill was "all right" and he thought he was gunning now more for Dan Worth than for us. I raised hell with Tom