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9.) Assembled and mailed 8 other copies of the tank specification. (Mrs. Carr is on vacation!)

10.)  Read all of Rudy's and Doc's mail.

11.) Handled some Great Northern and Mississippi Export painting details with John Downie for Doc.

12.) Attended the usual 8:30 AM mail session with Whitey and Cash.

13.) Spent considerable time on the Watertown Arsenal locomotive proposal with Woodward, Brehob, Barrell and later with "Cash." We appear to be in a jam. Cummins has given us a "continuous rating" on the HBI-6 engine that will not permit us to meet the Arsenal Specs. but if we submit this information as an exception, we discredit other bids for the same type of locomotive on which we took no exception I plan to ponder this tonight in an effort to find a way out.

14.) Last but not least, had a session with Whitey in which he advised that next Thursday when he returns to Erie, he proposes to put through the Shapter deal and I am to hand him my "ticket" then covering just what I want him to do to insure my being able to handle the thing successfully- said he had been delayed by the necessity for getting approval from Shreve,  Jack Hume, etc. in Sch'dy & now he's all set. He said he had some reservations about my ability to make a go of it on account of the two characters I have to deal with; I think this was just so much propaganda to spur me on. He said also that Jack Hause can't come now until Oct. 15. He said a lot of other things too but this is the gist of it. So it is going through-I dread it but know it's a fine stepping stone- a logical one- to Henry's job.