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for it, and I'm hopeful that we'll get by.

I phoned Mulvey this morning about the New York Central so I could tell Ken Wolf I had when he called. Tom already had Carl Geiger working on the job and I think they made good progress. At least, Ken promised to "pester" me if they didn't and I never heard from him again all day.

Rog is making model airplanes and shows a lot of initiative, perseverance and originality for an eight year old. Some of the boys "ganged up" on him today coming home from school and one George Conrath, older and bigger gave him a sock in the jaw, so Willie proceeded to tell his teacher - I can't see why he should have to take a "ganging" that way. Boyd Bert was in the gang - he is certainly a fickle kid - I wish Rog would paste him a good one and then he'd be OK. Am thinking that boxing lessons would be a good thing for Rog.

Spent most of this evening writing a quotation to Blaiklock on the Watertown loco as it must go out tomorrow and requires careful wording. Now I'm going to do a little work on my "ticket" for Whitey which I failed to get anywhere on yesterday. Incidentally Doc was hot under the collar about Jake Brams today - Jake was supposed to turn over the Southern Railway 44 ton job which Jake recently sold, to Doc because it is a railroad loco. A Southern Rwy. representative was here today and Jake monopolized him and sneaked him off for dinner leaving Doc in the cold and cursing. That's one of the things I've got to stop when I step into Shap's shoes. Jake has done that sort of thing before to my knowledge. He's a hard baby to handle - but I'm afraid Shap's worse.