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I notice Ed Waller is far more affable with me now in our mail reading sessions and when I meet him in the hall so I guess he now knows what plans are being made.

Jake had been able so far to keep Doc out in the cold on the Southern Rwy. job, leaving tonight for Washington sans Doc for a conference down there. Doc feels like I did when I couldn't control the 5"/38 job except I knew I was dealing with unintentional actions where it is otherwise in their care.

Erie, Pa.,
Wednesday. Sept.18,'46.
Started working on A.J. Woodward en route to the  plant this morning in connection with the N.Y.C. so that when Ken Wolf phoned me about 10:30 AM and said just a trifle sarcastically, "No progress," I could say, "What do you mean, no progress? There's been progress since 7:45 AM and you'll find the old bell housing on a surface table in the front end of 10 and Falzone indicating it right now." That shut Ken up. When I left at 5:15 PM they had turned the housing to parallel the two fits and had it already installed on the engine and although not perfect, good enough and okayed by Ken himself.

Maurice Guynes tried to persuade me to join a "Flying Club" of ten men at the plant- purpose: to buy a plane, hire an instructor and take up flying. I declined on financial grounds, but I'm not too keen to become a pilot right now. It appeals to me but not enough to make financial sacrifices. Maurice declares he is going to learn and then buy a plane of his own. I wonder if physically he is up to it.

Met Rudy Krape in the hall and he said, "I've just been having a session with Woodward's gang.