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This standard locomotive program is in a terrible mess! I understand you're going to have something to do with these locomotives soon. I hope you can get into it. Shap doesn't know anything about diesels and they are in awful shape. Everyone has a different scheme of excitation and auxiliaries. They've asked me to help them and I said I would." I told Rudy the deal was imminent and after it has gone through, I'll cooperate with him fully in bringing order out of chaos. It seems like I heard a half dozen unfavorable references to Shap today, raising hell over this and that. I asked A.J. if he had found the secret of getting along with Shap and he said he had found out he is less likely to fly at you in the afternoon but in the morning, look out! Rudy said that once, at Whitey's suggestion, he proposed that all diesel locos be put into one section and Shap didn't speak to him for two months thereafter!

Rudy reported that he understands Walter Hedley has at last been fired. His financial condition got so precarious with bouncing checks, etc. that the Company just couldn't tolerate it any longer. I hope it isn't too tragic for Walter. I don't see why he couldn't have managed his affairs in a way to avoid this ultimate end - it was bound to come unless he changed his pace but apparently he wouldn't do it.

Tonight I wrote my "ticket" for Whitey tomorrow as follows:

1.) Tell Shap in strong terms he must cooperate.
2.) Tell us both together what he expects of us both.
3.) Official notice of change broadcast.
4.) Place on Locomotive Management Committee.
5.) Conference on Whitey's own dissatisfaction at present.
6.) Conference with Rudy & me on division of work.