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4.) The Frankfurt Arsenal trip fell through to the annoyance of Sturges although I did all I could.

5.) Rog and I started on a model airplane and I made the wing this evening for him. There wasn't a lot he could do but he helped some. I thought I was making him happy and when I went upstairs to say good night, he was in tears. He was going to take it to school and I had done so much of the work he couldn't say he had made it himself.

6.) Bab came down with either hay fever or a cold and she was all upset because she couldn't go to Dorothy Jean's tomorrow and stay all night with her as she had been planning for a week.

7.) I told Willie about the Shapter affair, not having mentioned the move before because I wanted to surprise her and Mother with news of a definite promotion, and Willie was all upset over it.

There were two high spots:

1.) They released ordering machine tools on the 5"/38 gun mount program.

2.) ACF gave us an order for 100 tank spindles @ $88.80 each (old price $28.09 on which we lost our shirt) and inquired for price on 200. It began to look like we might eventually get 1254 and wipe off our big deficit on the job. Quoted Ted Adams $81.50 over phone this evening on 200.