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But all in all it was not a happy day. Of course the real thorn was the Shapter affair. It burns me up to have a man like him  stand between me and a promotion into a job where I could do well were it not for him.

Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, Sept. 21, 1940.

Turned down a golf invitation to go downstreet and attend to some shopping and banking since I have worked the past two Saturdays. In the afternoon Rog and I built the fuselage of the plane and I tried to let him do more of it. I find it is a very diverting pastime now I've really got down to business on it and envision considerable of it this winter with Rog. He is very resourceful and smart about it all and it is good training for him.

The spectre of the Shapter affair haunted me pretty much all day - I had a hard time getting it off my mind. I did think of a possible solution which I may suggest to Whitey - to make Shap a "lone wolf" on mining type locomotives only, just as Perk was on the IGE work. - it would mean he wouldn't be working for anyone or anyone for him and he would be on the type of work he knows best and I know nothing about. It seems to me a good solution but goodness knows what Whitey will think. I don't want him to feel I'm letting him down but I do feel after yesterday's affair that this will never work and it will be a discredit to me and undeservedly so.

This evening we went to a buffet supper at the Frieses' for the girl's bridge club, and it was a most hilarious affair with plenty to drink and lots of good company. Rosalind Harris was there, the