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first time I've seen her in nearly a year since she started her undertaking for the baby. It was nice to see her again, thinner but looking pretty well. The most notorious guest of the evening was Maybelle Scarborough there unattended. All the men were nice to her including myself; Willie says Maybelle wont come here became she thinks I'm mad at her over the divorce and I was anxious to dispel that idea and think I did, sitting next to her in the dark during a showing of Lee Tarno's vacation movies- we had had plenty to drink and held hands, sat close, kidded, etc. and I must confess it was not too unpleasant. Willie told me that Maybelle "had something" on Walter which she used for grounds - I suspect, after talking with Charlie Reed tonight, that it was the "too much zeal" Charlie tol dus about on July 4th in the Ripley saloon- well I can conceive where that might have caused the trouble between them. Tonight all was forgiven and forgotten in a very riotous party and although I drove home I had a helluva time keeping where I belonged on the street and realized I should have let Willie do the driving.
  Walt Harris told me at the party that they found the New York Central generator armature [[underline]]out of balance[[/underline]] again – this makes the [[underline]]third[[/underline]] time it has been balanced and it sounds fishy to me. Walt agreed.

Erie, Pa
Sunday, Sep. 22 '40.
     It has been apparent lately Dusky had worms and Willie diagnosed it as a tape worm so today we give them some tape worm medecine. But none of that were prepared for what happened. In about a half